Acer Palmatum Bloodgood 7.5ltr


Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ is one of the best purple-leaved Japanese maples. Deeply cut foliage give the plant a lacy, delicate appearance. The leaves are dark red in spring and summer, becoming bright red in autumn. Try it as a focal point in a small, contemporary or minimalist garden, where the intensity of the autumn colour can really show

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Acer Palmatum Bloodgood 10ltr

Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ is one of the best purple-leaved Japanese maples. Deeply cut foliage give the plant a lacy, delicate appearance. The leaves are dark red in spring and summer, becoming bright red in autumn. Try it as a focal point in a small, contemporary or minimalist garden, where the intensity of the autumn colour can really show