Callistemon Laevis. 3ltr pot


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Callistemon Laevis. 12ltr pot

  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: moist, well-drained, neutral to acid soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: April to August
  • Hardiness: half hardy (will need winter protection)Splendid crimson-red flowerspikes are borne in profusion, putting on an impressive display in spring and summer. An eye-catching specimen for a sunny shrub border, the new foliage emerges with a pinkish-red flush, but turns dark green with age. In frost prone areas it’s best to grow them in a container so they can be overwintered in a cool greenhouse or conservatory. The leaves will release a delicious lemon scent when crushed

Commonly known as Bottlebrush.