Helleborus Dacaya 2ltr pot


Helleborus Winterbells

A clump forming, upright perennial hybrid which is very hardy. Leaves are dark green, deeply lobed and leathery. Reddish-brown upright flower stalks bear contrasting nodding, mid-sized, greenish-cream bells with pink- flushed backs which fade to green with age. It flowers freely and over a long period from winter into spring and occasionally in the summer.

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Helleborus Winterbells

A clump forming, upright perennial hybrid which is very hardy. Leaves are dark green, deeply lobed and leathery. Reddish-brown upright flower stalks bear contrasting nodding, mid-sized, greenish-cream bells with pink- flushed backs which fade to green with age. It flowers freely and over a long period from winter into spring and occasionally in the summer.